Daily English Vocabulary | 19 may 2020 | Vocab | Vocabulary 19th may

1. AFLOAT (ADJECTIVE): (तैरता हुआ): buoyant

Synonyms: floating, buoyed up

Antonyms: sunk

Example Sentence:

Several of the lifeboats were still afloat a month after being cast adrift.

2. ALLEGE (VERB): (आरोपित करना): claim

Synonyms: assert, declare

Antonyms: deny

Example Sentence:

He alleged that he had been assaulted by her.

3. REVEL (VERB): (आनंद लेना): celebrate

Synonyms: make merry, party

Antonyms: mourn

Example Sentence:

They spent the evening revelling with their guests.

4. SUSPENSION (NOUN): (निलंबन): adjournment
Synonyms: interruption, postponement

Antonyms: continuation

Example Sentence:
The suspension of military action needs to be done as soon as possible.

5. INDUCE (VERB): (कारण होना): cause

Synonyms: produce, effect

Antonyms: prevent

Example Sentence:

None of these measures induced a change of policy.

6. STIMULUS (NOUN): (प्रोत्साहन): spur

Synonyms: stimulant, encouragement

Antonyms: deterrent

Example Sentence:

If the tax were abolished, it would act as a stimulus to exports.

7. MIGRANT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रवासी): travelling

Synonyms: wandering, moving

Antonyms: indigenous

Example Sentence:

Migrant birds seldom gather here.

8. TRAVAIL (NOUN): (श्रमसाध्य प्रयास): ordeal

Synonyms: trial, tribulation

Antonyms: comfort

Example Sentence:

Advice is for those who wish to save great sorrow and travail.

9. RELIANCE (NOUN): (भरोसा): dependence

Synonyms: dependency

Antonyms: unbelief

Example Sentence:
The farmer's reliance is on pesticides.

10. SNOWBALL (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase

Synonyms: escalate, intensify

Antonyms: decrease

Example Sentence:
The campaign was finally snowballing.

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