General Study Quiz & Materials | 25-May-2020 | Daily GS Quiz | 25 may GS/GA quiz | daily ga/gs materials

25 May General Study Quiz Materials
(Answer key with Explanation)

 1.Correct Answer: B [ Kashmir Shaivism ]
Lal Ded, better known as Lalla Yogeshwari, ranks as a great mystic poetess of the 14th century. She was an ardent practitioner of Kashmir Shaivism that is also known as Trika Shastra founded by Vasu Gupta.

 2. Correct Answer: B [ Odisha ]
It is the most important festival of western Odisha and it takes place in the bright half of the month of Bhadrab on an auspicious day fixed by the astrologers. Though the festival is intended for eating new rice of the year, it is observed as a general festival. On this occasion the new rice is cooked with milk and sugar (Kshiri) and then offered as Bhog to Goddess Laxmi.

 3. Correct Answer: B [Manipur]
Shaphee Lanphee is a traditional textile fabric woven and embroidered by Meitei women of Manipur. The fabric was, in the past, presented as a gift of honour (Mana Phee) to the soldiers for their bravery in a successful war, and to the praise-worthy chiefs of the Nagas of Manipur by the king of Manipur.

 4. Correct Answer: D [Chhattisgarh]
Raut Nacha is a ceremonial dance performed mainly by the tribal community of Chhattisgarh. It is performed during the “dev udhni ekadashi”, after the Diwali festival. It is mainly performed by Yaduvanshis. The dance form carries with itself sacred mythological and religious traditions.

 5. Correct Answer: B [Jackwood]
Bobbili veena, also known as Saraswathi Veena or the Ekanda Veena, is a large plucked string instrument used in Carnatic classical music. It is carved from a single piece of Jackwood. Jackwood is a rainforest tree.

 6. Correct Answer: A [Odisha]
Ghumura is an ancient folk dance that originated from Odisha. As per ancient mythological texts, Ghumura was a war dance of the Gods and Demons. Over the course of time, Ghumurawas imbibed into performing arts and entertainment in Odisha.

 7. Correct Answer: D [Bhangra]
The Sangeet Natak Akademi recognizes Bharatnatyam, Kathak, Kuchipudi, Odishi, Kathakali, Sattriya, Manipuri and Mohiniyattam as classical dances in India.

  8. Correct Answer: C [Maach]
Maach is a form of folk theatre from the Malwa region of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.  It is said to have originated from the Khyal theatre form of Rajasthan. It is not present in the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

 9. Correct Answer: D [Mysore painting]
Mysore painting is an important form of classical South Indian painting that originated in the town of Mysore in Karnataka. These paintings are known for their elegance, muted colours and attention to detail.

10. Correct Answer: C [ Gopura ]
Buddhists, Jains, and Hindus have directed an almost equal attention to the Gopura or gateways o f their towns and temples. These, both in form and purpose, resemble the pylons of the Egyptian temples.

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