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14 June General Study Quiz Materials
(With Answer key)

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Correct Answer: B [ Brain ]
Brain is the most sensitive part in human body with respect to lead poisoning.

Correct Answer: B [ Home Gardens ]
Sacred Groves, National Parks and other protected area, biosphere reserves etc. are in-situ modes of wildlife conservation.
Correct Answer: C [ Atlantic Forest South-East Reserves – France ]
Atlantic Forest South-East Reserves is in Brazil.

Correct Answer: A [ Olive Ridley Turtles ]
The efforts of Odisha Government are centered around protection of Olive Ridley Turtles. These are only sea turtles to exhibit synchronous mass nesting.

Correct Answer: D [ Snow Leopard ]
The first three are not found in India in wild. Snow Leopard is found in at least five northern states.

Correct Answer: A [ Mammal ]
Flying Fox is a bat which is found in tropical forests and swamps, near bodies of water all over India.

Correct Answer: B [ Arunachal Pradesh ]
Namdapha National Park of Arunachal Pradesh is one of the richest areas in biodiversity in India. It is the largest protected area in the Eastern Himalaya biodiversity hotspot. Namdapha National park was established in 1983 and is largest National park in North east India and third largest National Park in entire India after the Hemis National Park of Jammu & Kashmir and Desert National Park of Rajasthan. Located between the Dapha bum range of the Mishmi Hills and the Patkai range with a wide altitudinal range between 200 m and 4571 m, Namdapha National park has a climate ranging from tropical to subtropical, temperate and arctic. It is also site of rare Sapria Himalayan, a parasitic flowering plant related to Rafflesia.

Correct Answer: A [Eastern Himalayas]
India shares its territories into three biodiversity hotspots viz. Eastern Himalaya, Western Ghats and Indo-Burma. Out of them, Eastern Himalaya and Western Ghats are mostly located within India’s territory. In the Indo-Burma Biodiversity hotspot, India shares only a small part in north East India.

Correct Answer: C [22 May]
The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 as the International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. The theme for 2017 International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) was ‘Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism’.

Correct Answer: A [Meghalaya]
Umiam Lake is a reservoir located in the hills 15 km to the North of Shillong in the state of Meghalaya, India. The lake serves as a major tourist attraction for the state of Meghalaya. It is also a popular destination for water sport and adventure facilities. Tourists visit this spot for kayaking, water cycling, scooting and boating.

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