Maths Quiz | 03 June Maths Quiz | Daily Quiz | 03/06/2020 | Maths quiz | Quant

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz | 03-June-2020 |
Bank, SSC, PSC, Railway|

(With Answer key and Solutions)

1. Sol. (C)
Side of square/ वर्ग की भुजा = 14 m. / मी.
r = 28 m. / मी., l = 112 m. / मी., b = 56 m. / मी.
Perimeter of rectangle/ आयत का परिमाप = 2 (112 + 56) = 336 m. / मी.
2. Sol. (B)
Perfect square near to 4000/ 4000 के निकट पूर्ण वर्ग = 4096
Number to added/जोड़ी जाने वाली संख्या = 4096 – 4000 = 96  
3. Sol. (D)
C.I. = 84500 [{1 + (10/100)3} – 1]
= 84500 [{1 + (11/10}3 – 1]
= 84500 × (331/1000) = Rs.27969.5

4. Sol. (A)
Let the present age of Samir and Tanuj be 8x and 15 x respectively.
माना समीर तनुज की वर्तमान आयु क्रमशः 8x एंव 15x है।
After 9 years/9 वर्ष पश्चात्,
(8x + 9)/ (15x + 9) = 11/18
x = 3
Difference of their age/ आयु का अन्तर = 7x = 7 × 3 = 21 years/ वर्ष      

5. Sol. (D)
Let the sum of money is divided among A, B, C and D be 3x, 5x, 8x and 9x respectively then/ माना A, B, C एवं D को क्रमशः 3x, 5x, 8x तथा 9x प्राप्त होंगे तो,
3x = 936
Total of A and D/ A व D कुल प्राप्त होगा = 12x = 3744      

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