Reasoning Quiz | 11 july Reasoning Quiz | Daily Quiz | 11/07/2020 | GI

Daily Reasoning Quiz | 11-July-2020
(Answer key with Solutions)

Best for BANK, SSC, RAILWAY & Other Competitive Exams

Q.1. (B)

Q.2. (A)

Unemployment results in poverty, in the same way, malnutrition causes anaemia./बेरोजगारी से निर्धनता उत्पन्न होती है उसी प्रकार कुपोषण से रक्ताल्पता होती है। 

Q.3. (B)
Encourage = 9 letters/ अक्षर = 9 x 9 = 81

Q.4. (C) Except (C), all others are synonyms./ (C) को छोड़कर, अन्य सभी समानार्थी हैं। 

Q.5. (A)
abacbaca / abacbaca / abacbaca

Q.6. (C)

Q.7. (C)

Q.10. (A)

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