English ERROR FIND and Vocabulary Quiz for All Competitive exams | 21 August English MCQ with Answer | English Language Quiz for All Competitive exams

English Quiz
ERROR FIND & Vocabulary Test

For All Competitive Exams

21 August English Quiz Materials


  • Answer : (C)
  • Answer : (B)
  • Answer : (A)
  • EVACUATE (VERB): (ख़ाली करना): remove 
    Synonyms: clear, move out 
    Antonyms: hold 
    Example Sentence: Several families were evacuated from their home. 
  • Answer : (C)
  • DEFER (VERB): (योग्यता स्वीकार करना): yield 
    Synonyms: submit, give way 
    Antonyms: stand up to 
    Example Sentence: He deferred to Teresa's superior knowledge.
  • Answer : (C)
  • Standardized (VERB): (मानकीकरण): to bring to or make of an established standard size, weight, quality, strength, or the like
    Synonyms: regulated, graded, uniform, consistent

    Example Sentence: to standardize manufactured parts.
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