English Quiz for All Competitive exams | 25 August English Synonyms and antonyms MCQ with Answer | Fill in the Blanks Grammar mcq Quiz questions and answers for All Competitive exams

English Quiz

Fill in the Blanks & Vocabulary Test
For All Competitive Exams

25 August English Quiz Materials


  • Answer: Option 3 is correct ans,

The structure of the sentence is in the past perfect tense in the passive voice. The past perfect tense uses the past participle of the verb. Thus the correct participle to be used is 'blown'.

  • Answer: Option 2 is correct ans,

    The correct determiner to be used is 'any'. 'Any' is the determiner used in negative sentences as well as in the interrogative sentences. 

    E.g: There isn't any milk in the fridge.
    Was there any problem at the shop?

  • Answer: Option 3 is correct ans,

    'Ask around' means ask many people the same question and this is the correct word to fill the blank. 

  • Answer: Option 3 is correct ans,
The right fit is option 3 'will be' that is the future progressive as it refers to one action in the future and another specific time.It is written as -- will + be + present participle (verb + ‑ing).

  • Answer: Option 2 is correct ans,

    The right fit is 'will have'  that is the future perfect, used for actions that will be completed before some point in the future.the format is  will have + [past participle].

  • Answer: The correct answer is option 1) 
    As the sentence is in referring to the future and the time expression "for two hours" has been used which suggests that the most appropriate tense to be used here is future perfect continuous tense
    • The syntax for the future perfect continuous tense- Sub+will have been/ shall have been+ verb-ing+ other words.
    • Correct sentence"I will have been reading for two hours before going to school tomorrow."

  • Answer: Option 4 is correct ans,

The given blank is part of a phrasal verb which is 'boil down to'. It means 'to be summarized as'. Thus option 4 is the correct answer for the given blank. The complete sentence is -' The hit TV serial Sherlock has ultimately boiled down to a family drama and has disappointed many of its followers.'

  • Answer: 1

    Definitions: (noun)
    1. singular of consols. Ex.  Most of young Hatherley's Consol capital is out on mortgage at four and a half and five.

    corrosion  decrease  destruction  disintegration  abrasion  attrition  consumption  despoliation  spoiling  wear  desedimentation  eating away  grinding down   washing away   wearing down

    building,  construction,  rebuilding,  strengthening

Answer: 3

Definitions: (noun)
1. singular of consols. Ex.  Most of young Hatherley's Consol capital is out on mortgage at four and a half and five.

assuage, soothe, animate, calm, cheer, encourage, gladden, inspirit, lift, solace, tranquilize, upraise, buck up, condole with, express sympathy, untrouble

upset, agitate, depress, discourage, dispirit, dissuade, worry, annoy, antagonize, disturb, hurt, sadden, trouble

Answer: 4

Definitions: (adverb)
1. moreover; in addition; also; too: Ex.  She is likewise a fine lawyer.
2. in like manner; in the same way; similarly: Ex.  I'm tempted to do likewise.

besides, too, additionally, along, as well, correspondingly, further, furthermore, in addition, in like manner, in the same way, more, moreover, so, withal.

contrariwise, opposing, opposite, reverse

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