22 August Vocabulary | Most Important 22 August Vocabulary | The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 22-08-2020



1. EXEMPT (ADJECTIVE): (छूट): free from 
Synonyms: exempted, spared, immune, absolved, clear, cleared, discharged, excepted, excluded, 
Antonyms: liable to, hindered, prevented, accountable, answerable, liable, nonexempt, responsible, 
Example: These patients are exempt from all charges. 

2. DYNAMIC (ADJECTIVE): (गतिशील): energetic 
Synonyms: spirited, active 
Antonyms: half-hearted 
Example Sentence: He is a dynamic young advertising executive. 

3. COMBAT (VERB): (सामना करना): fight 
Synonyms: tackle, attack 
Antonyms: give in to 
Example: An effort was made to combat drug trafficking. 

4. FUNDAMENTAL (ADJECTIVE): (मौलिक): basic 
Synonyms: foundational, rudimentary 
Antonyms: secondary 
Example: The fundamental human rights must be protected. 

5. DWINDLE (VERB): (क्षीण होना): diminish 
Synonyms: decrease, reduce 
Antonyms: increase 
Example: Traffic has dwindled to a trickle. 

6. STEADY (ADJECTIVE): (स्थिर): stable 
Synonyms: balanced, firm 
Antonyms: unstable 
Example: The lighter the camera, the harder it is to hold steady. 

7. ENACT (VERB): (क़ानून अमल में लाना): pass 
Synonyms: approve, ratify 
Antonyms: repeal 
Example: Legislation was enacted to attract international companies. 

8. TOXIC (ADJECTIVE): (विषाक्त): poisonous 
Synonyms: venomous, virulent 
Antonyms: non-toxic 
Example: The burning of waste is toxic. 

9. INITIATIVE (NOUN): (पहल): enterprise 
Synonyms: inventiveness, resourcefulness 
Antonyms: being uninventive 
Example: Use your initiative and common sense. 

10. PLIGHT (NOUN): (दुर्दशा): predicament 
Synonyms: trouble, difficulty 
Antonyms: solution 
Example: The management must reduce our plight. 

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