English ERROR FIND and Vocabulary Quiz for All Competitive exams | 22 August English Synonyms and antonyms MCQ with Answer | English Language Quiz for All Competitive exams

English Quiz
ERROR FIND & Vocabulary Test

For All Competitive Exams

22 August English Quiz Materials


  • Answer : (A)

Explanation: As per the context of the sentence, two dresses have been compared to find which one is 'better' (and not 'the best') than the other.

While comparing things the comparative degree of an adjective should be used, not the superlative as the case here 

So, the Correct Sentence will be:
Which dress is better of the two that I have shown you? 

  • Answer : (C)

Explanation: The error is in the last part of the sentence where 'was' should be added before 'frightened' to denote the past tense especially after the use of the past perfect previously.

The correct sentence is  - 'It had been a delightful discovery on their wedding night that she was frightened and unsure.'

Hence, option C is correct.

  • Answer : (A)

Explanation: The preposition 'on' is used to designate names of streets, avenues, etc. Thus the error is in the first part of the sentence. The correct sentence is - 'I need to get to the house on Landsdowne Road by ten o'clock.' 

  • Answer : (B)

Explanation: The conjunction used in the sentence is 'but' which is incorrect. We need the conjunction 'or' which is the appropriate conjunction according to the context of the sentence.  

  • Answer : (A)

Explanation: The error is in the first part of the sentence. 'Me' is an object form of the personal pronoun I' and hence instead of 'me', 'I' should be used. The correct sentence is - David and I are like brothers but from different mothers.

Note:  If you’re having trouble deciding which one to use in a particular sentence, here's a hint: Take out the other person, and it should be clearer. You are not likely to be tempted to say, “Me joined the chess club,” or “Jill took I to the shop.”

  • Answer : (A)

Explanation:  DISCERNIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (नमूदार): visible 

Synonyms: detectable, perceptible 
Antonyms: imperceptible 
ExampleThe scandal had no discernible effect on his career. 

  • Answer : (A)

Explanation:  PENURY (NOUN): (दरिद्रता): impoverishment 

Synonyms: indigence, need 
Antonyms: wealth 
ExampleHe could not face yet another year of penury. 

  • Answer : (A)

Explanation:  JUDICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकसम्मत): wise 

Synonyms: sensible, prudent 
Antonyms: injudicious 
ExampleThe judicious use of public investment should be ensured 

  • Answer : (A)

Explanation:   STIMULATE (VERB): (उकसाना): encourage 

Synonyms: prompt, prod 
Antonyms: discourage 
ExampleThe reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented.

  • Answer : (A)

Explanation:   BOOST (VERB): (बढ़ाना): improve 

Synonyms: raise, uplift 
Antonyms: decrease 
Example: A range of measures boosted tourism. 

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