Most Important 21 August Vocabulary | The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 21-08-2020


Standardized (verb) मानकीकृत
Meaning: cause (something) to conform to a standard.
Synonymsinstitutionalize, assimilate, homogenize
Antonyms: disorder, disorganize
Example: He graded the work of the school and endeavored to standardize instruction.

Screening (verb) जाँच
Meaning: evaluate or analyse (something) for its suitability for a particular purpose or application.
Synonyms: shield, adumbrate, blind
Antonyms: abandon, disregard, endanger
Example: Instead of screening him I had dragged him in front of the footlights.

Reform (verb)
Meaning: make changes in (something, especially an institution or practice) in order to improve it.
Synonyms: amend, improve, rebuild
Antonyms: break, damage, destroy
Example: This was in part owing to the readjustment of seats according to the Reform Bill

Ambit (noun) सीमा
Meaning: the scope, extent, or bounds of something.
Synonyms: boundary, bounds
Example: I saw for the first time a horizon as an arc suggesting how wide is our ambit.

Self-evident (adjective) स्पष्ट
Meaning: not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.
Synonyms: inescapable, undeniable
Antonyms: indefinite, unclear
Example: The volunteers laughed as Stoliker mentioned this self-evident fact.

Considerable (adjective) काफी
Meaning: notably large in size, amount, or extent.
Synonyms: ample, appreciable, astronomical
Antonyms: inconsiderable, insignificant, insufficient
Example: He had uttered his own practical unbelief, however, with considerable accuracy.

Hardship (noun) कष्ट
Meaning: severe suffering or privation.
Synonyms: adversity, calamity, catastrophe, danger
Antonyms: advantage, aid, assistance
Example: If you can eat and sleep well, you can stand almost any hardship.

DISCERNIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (नमूदार): visible 
Synonyms: detectable, perceptible 
Antonyms: imperceptible 
Example Sentence: The scandal had no discernible effect on his career. 

PENURY (NOUN): (दरिद्रता): 
Meaning: impoverishment
Synonyms: indigence, need 
Antonyms: wealth 
Example Sentence: He could not face yet another year of penury. 

JUDICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकसम्मत): 
Meaning: wise 
Synonyms: sensible, prudent 
Antonyms: injudicious 
Example Sentence: The judicious use of public investment should be ensured 

PALLIATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (पीड़ा हटानेवाला): 
Meaning: soothing 
Synonyms: alleviating, sedative 
Antonyms: intensifying 
Example Sentence: Many old medicines are only palliative. 

RESILIENT (ADJECTIVE): (स्थिति-स्थापक): 
Meaning: strong 
Synonyms: tough, hardy 
Antonyms: vulnerable 
Example Sentence: Babies are generally far more resilient than new parents realize. 

STIMULATE (VERB): (उकसाना): 
Meaning: encourage
Synonyms: prompt, prod 
Antonyms: discourage 
Example Sentence: The reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented. 

BOOST (VERB): (बढ़ाना): 
Meaning: improve 
Synonyms: raise, uplift 
Antonyms: decrease 
Example Sentence: A range of measures boosted tourism. 

Meaning: cautious 
Synonyms: wary, careful 
Antonyms: ungaurded 
Example Sentence: The officials were very circumspect in their statements. 

BREACH (NOUN): (उल्लंघन): 
Meaning: contravention 
Synonyms: violation, breaking 
Antonyms: agreement 
Example Sentence: They had to go through a breach. 

RENOWNED (ADJECTIVE): (प्रसिद्ध): 
Meaning: famous 
Synonyms: celebrated, famed 
Antonyms: unknown 
Example Sentence: Britain is renowned for its love of animals.

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