English Vocabulary Quiz for All Competitive Exams | Test your Vocabulary | English Vocab MCQ | Indian Study Corner

Vocabulary is important for any competitive exam especially for English Language subject whether it is an objective exam or descriptive exam. Mostly, students get confused with the synonyms and antonyms of a particular word. So to enhance your vocabulary along with synonyms and antonyms, here is a quiz provided to test your vocabulary.' 

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Answers are given below 

Q1. Choose the synonym of Courtesy’.

1. rudeness

2. politeness

3. effrontery

4. audacity

Q2. Choose the antonym of Thrift’.

1. saving

2. providence

3. profligacy

4. prudence

Q3. Choose the synonym of Tender’.

1. hard-hearted

2. callous

3. unsympathetic

4. caring

Q4. Choose the antonym of ‘Veracity’.

1. falsity

2. truthfulness

3. dependability

4. accuracy

Q5. Choose the synonym of Endorse’.

1. bag

2. oppose

3. offer

4. support

Q6. Choose the antonym of Brittle’.

1. flexible

2. frangible

3. rigid

4. hard

Q7. Choose the synonym of Mollify’.

1. enrage

2. appease

3. inflame

4. aggravate

Q8. Choose the antonym of Tumultuous’.

1. stormy

2. turbulent

3. passionate

4. peaceful

Q9. Choose the synonym of Palliate’.

1. placate

2. alleviate

3. alternate

4. mire

Q10. Choose the antonym of ‘Sever’.

1. discontinue

2. suspend

3. maintain

4. end


Q.1 (2)

Q.2 (3)

Q.3 (4)

Q.4 (1)

Q.5 (4)

Q.6 (1)

Q.7 (2)

Q.8 (4)

Q.9 (2)

Q.10 (3)

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